New start a success - a spirit of optimism at the first works meeting!


Uhingen, July 16, 2024 - Today, the special machine manufacturer Allgaier Process Technology GmbH held its first works meeting following the takeover by STAFAG International GmbH. The integration into the global Siebtechnik Tema Group is running smoothly. The meeting confirmed the positive spirit of optimism and marked an important step towards a promising future. Management, employees and the employee representatives are optimistic and motivated to exploit the new opportunities and synergies of the takeover.

The first works council was elected on June 6 and today hosted its first works meeting. The seven newly elected members of the Works Council, chaired by Roland Roller, emphasized that this meeting was an important milestone in the company's realignment.

The establishment of Allgaier Process Technology GmbH as an independent company requires extensive investment and is proceeding according to plan. The company is experiencing growing demand for its drying and screening machines, as well as the associated services. Thanks to the solid order situation and continued customer interest, the prospects are clearly geared towards growth. Cooperation with the international sister companies is developing very well and is strengthening the company's global position.

The new owner is very satisfied with the developments to date. “We are delighted with the successful integration process and the positive response within the company and from our international customers and project partners,” said Dr. Reinhard Scholz, Managing Director of Allgaier Process Technology GmbH. “The excellent order situation and the commitment and motivation of our workforce allow us to look to the future with optimism.”

In order to meet the increasing demands, Allgaier Process Technology GmbH is looking for qualified specialists to strengthen the respective teams and secure growth. The success of recent months clearly shows that the company is on the right track and is looking forward to a promising future.